Nowadays for installing OS we maximum use to like boot from USB flash. It is fast and easy method. Today i am telling you the tricks for creating USB BOOT flash without installing any software.
Connect USB flash to the system (computer / Laptop)
Open RUN and type CMD (Type run in searching bar or you can hit Win+R)
Right click and select run as administrator, for windows 10 in search bar there you will be find run as administrator.
Command prompt will open
Now you have to follow the below steps ::
Diskpart→list disk→select disk 1(chose the usb device, you will recognize it by its size)→clean(this will erase the usb)→create partition primary→select partition 1→active→format fs=ntfs(this will format the usb drive and will take 10-15 minutes)
After formatting. Follow the commands :: in command promt : →assign(now you will notice that the usb drive changed its letter to (E): or (F))→exit(this command will exit the disk part function).
Now give the boot file folder path. make sure that in your windows folder you have the boot folder with the bootsect executable file.
→cd boot→bootsect.exe/nt60 h:(h is the letter of the usb drive ,this comand will update the boot core)→exit (this will exit command prompt).
Now you have to copy all the files in the windows folder to your usb drive.
Now you have restart system and it will boot from usb.