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Showing posts with label AWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AWS. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) Installation on Microsoft Windows

AWS CLI Installation Process  on MS Windows ::

MSI Installation Steps ::

You can download MSI setup for 32 & 64 Bit OS.

From this link download the setup and install the setup it will install and open the AWS configuration.

For check that set up installed properly or not simply use the below command :: aws --version

>> Steps for installing Python, pip, and the AWS CLI

Steps ::

>> install Python 3.6 and pip (Windows)::

Download the Python 3.6 Windows x86-64 executable installer from this link


Run the installer. Choose Add Python 3.6 to PATH. Choose Install Now.
Installation Progress going on

After finishing the installation Verify that Python and pip are both installed correctly with the following commands:

C:\Windows\System32> python --version

Python 3.6.2

C:\Windows\System32> pip --version

>> AWS CLI using pip:

C:\Windows\System32> pip install awscli

PIP Installation going on

After installation done. Need to verify
C:\Windows\System32> aws –version (open command prompt as administrator)

Here it is showing aws version. AWS Installation properly.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Launching EC2 Instance_Free tier_Using Default VPC step by step

In AWS computing here i will show you how to launch EC2 instance (free tier) using default VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).  Before starting you must have an account on aws.

Steps ::

Log in to AWS Console.

Log in in aws console if dont have account simply can create account. For creating account in aws you must have credit card. You can also use international debit card as well.

After log in the console you will get the dash board. From dash board you can select regions as there are multiple regions are there and they are different types. Here I select Asia-Mumbai. And then you can get the option EC2 from compute. If you not you can search from drop down list or simply type on search box.

After opening ec2 dashboard you will get this type dashboard of ec2. From here you have to click launch instance.

Then you have to choose AMI (Amazon machine image). Here I am creating GUI so I am choosing here Windows Server 2016.

Here we have to Choose an Instance Type
There are many tepes of instances here basics are eligble for freetoer. Are rest of chargable so before proccedd must check which state you are choosing.
In this instance type there are 5 types and both are different purpose use. For more click here

Here I am selecting t2 micro general purpose free tier

Click Next : Configure instance type.
Now we got configure instance type here we have to configure vpc (already I mentioned this instance I am creating with default vpc , by default aws provided 1 deafult vpc so I am selecting default vpc).

Here I am selecting Number of instance 1 (Only 1 is eligble free tier after that you have to charge)
Network option selecting deafult vpc in subnetting als selectiong enable deafult vpc subnet

Shutdown behavior : use terminate as I will stop my instacne it will terminate the instance.
Then click on next and go to add storage

In storage by default vps already added need to check once, one more thing
In default storage drive is not encrypred and also you cant encrypt.
Click on next to configure security group.
Here you will get the security group. If you have already security group then you can use exisisting or you can create new security group.

Check final and review the instance before launch

Then  click on launch the instance.
Before launching you will ask for key pair. If you have already you can use or can create. Here I am showing create new key pair.
Give the name of the key pair

And download the key pair by simply clicking download option
And then click on LAUNCH

Your instance almost ready . check status check option what showing it will pass 2 test, system test and network test. After completed this 2 state then only launch the instance. Here it is showing initializing

After completed initializing the instance. You have to launch the instance.
For windows instance launcing need to folow the steps.
1st need to get he password. For that we have to use the security key which we download before launching the instance.
Click on action and then go to windows password

Here you have to select the file which you download before lunching then instance

After thet click on decrypt

Here you will get you password for log in the instance

Now start the instance.
For winows we can take it remote for that need to open remote session
Type win+r button and type mstsc

Now you have to enter ip4 address
That address you will get from here

Enter the ip address to remote desktop control

You will be prompt for credentials username and password

Use administrator as deafult username
And password which you decrypt  and click ok

If all are ok it will identify and ask you for the  connection click yes

And it will load the page

Here finally instance launch susseccyfully.


Tuesday, 23 January 2018

AWS Cloud Computing

AWS Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing : Cloud computing is generally leasing of the Hardware, Software & Infrastructure. It can be accessed through gadgets, Like; Smart Phone, Tablet, Laptop & Desktop. All information that a digital system has to offer is provided as service in the cloud computing.
In Cloud computing on of the Leading service provided by Amazon, known as Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS EC2 : Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web-based service that allows businesses to run application program in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud.
AWS EC2 allows to the user to create Virtual machine, virtual cloud. Which provide the compute capacity of an IT project and cloud work load that run on global AWS cloud Center.
Amazon EC2 help users to create virtual machine and instance on cloud base hosting and use on IT project globally.
To use EC2 instance a developer create AMAZON MACHINE IMAGE (AMI) contenting OS (operating System) , Application programs & configuration settings. Then AMI uploaded to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and it is registered with amazon EC2 . Once this has been done, the subscriber can requisition virtual machines on an as-needed basis.
Data only remains on an EC2 instance while it is running, but a developer can use an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume for an extra level of durability and Amazon S3 for EC2 data backup.
EC2 provided different types of instance. Sizes and pricing structures designed for different computing and budgetary needs. EC2 offers an instance type for compute, memory, accelerated computing and storage-optimized workloads. EC2 limits how many instances a user can run in a region at a time, depending on the type of instance.
Each instance type comes with different size options corresponding to the CPU, memory and storage needs of each enterprise.
On-Demand Instances allows a developer to create resources as needed and to pay for them by the hour.
Reserved Instances (RIs) provides a price discount in exchange for one and three-year contract commitments.


Proyash by Jyotirmoy.Mukherjee

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Proyash is a blog on Technologies, Blogging and Making Money Online, WordPress, Web Hosting and many more. Continuing the efforts to provide the best content, we are going to focus on topics that are current and has some definite information. This blog is managed by JYOTIRMOY MUKHERJEE from West Bengal, India, Currently living Pune, Maharashtra. Working as a Computer engineer with some skills of Computing & Networking. His interest in Computers, New Technologies and Photography.